Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hive in the Media

(From ExtremeSciTech Magazine) Feb 21, 2015
PHILADELPHIA - A group of researchers are reporting that they have built the first human-to-human brain-to-brain interface, allowing two humans — separated by the internet — to consciously communicate with each other, with no additional sensory cues. Human Interface for Virtual Evolution or HIVE for short, is a brain-computer-brain interface (BCBI) that successfully linked one Philadelphia researcher to the brain of another researcher in Boston. In short, HiveTech researchers have created a device that enables telepathy. In the future, rather than vocalizing speech — or vainly attempting to vocalize your emotions — your friend/lover/family member might just pluck those words and thoughts right out of your head.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Future Of Connectivity

Future HiveTech Tower and HiveTech Innovation Center in Philadelphia
The groundwork has been laid and the date has been set.
I imagine you, my predecessors, in a romantic light. My hopes of your god-like intelligence will grasp my concepts, having the knowledge of the greats before us to understand all principles. My hope and plan, though possibly futile, is that you may learn the knowledge I've given you and one day stand upon the shoulders of the giants I've leapt from. 

But that is far down the road, my friends. The message must begin simplistic. Very simplistic, with just one word; connectivity

In 2015 the technology that has connected us has also polarized us. We've attached a deception of meaningful action into non-effective empty gestures. They've created a world of callous, superficial, narcissistic and uninteresting surrogates of people, whose self-absorption causes him or her to believe he or she is a brand with fans and customers rather than a human with friends and family. 

The social connectivity that has been created is flawed. It is an immaterial connection, with little or no meaning at all, that dehumanizes those on the other end. Facebook and Twitter are just the toy megaphones on a playhouse floor designed to give the children a false sense of importance and pride. But no one listens, no one cares. This is not connectivity, this is a hoard of children screaming for attention.